AMP Staking – Amp

How to stake Amp

Do you want to earn AMP Staking Rewards with AMP Staking? Staking AMP on Flexa is a great way to earn more amp. If you’re planning on holding your AMP for a while, do yourself a favor and stake it to earn more AMP and possibly earn much more money in the future. We will go over the steps you need to take to stake your AMP and earn about 2-7% interest per year on your AMP.

Amp Staking Rewards
Amp Staking Rewards

Earn AMP Staking Rewards


  1. Have about $50-100 worth of ETH available to send to pay for future fees. You shouldn’t need all of this amount but it’s just to be safe.

2. Get the MetaMask app for your computer or mobile device.

How to install MetaMask

Desktop Version:

  1. Go to and download the extension for your chosen browser.
how to install desktop metamask amp staking
Download Extension For Your Chosen Browser

2. After installing the MetaMask, start it up if it didn’t do so automatically and click “Get Started”.

desktop metamask get started Staking AMP
Click “Get Started”

3. Click “Create a Wallet” and follow the prompt to create your wallet. 

desktop metamask create a wallet Amp Staking Rewards
Click “Create a Wallet”

4. After creating your account, you will see an entry for ETH already on your account. To send the $50-100 ETH to your MetaMask wallet, hover over your account name so that it says “Copy to clipboard” and click so that it copies your wallet address. Use this somewhere else to see your full address if you need to type it in manually or paste it directly onto the website/app you are sending ETH from.

desktop metamask wallet address with AMP
Send $50-100 ETH To Your MetaMask

5. Now that you have some ETH on your account, click “Add Token”.

How to add AMP token desktop metamask
Add Token Into Your Account

6. Click on the Custom Token tag and add “0xfF20817765cB7f73d4bde2e66e067E58D11095C2” to the Token Contract Address. The Token Symbol and Token Decimal fields should fill in automatically.

  •  If you feel unsafe copying and pasting the contract address that we’ve provided, you can see it directly from the official AMP token FAQ on their website at
desktop metamask amp token contract address
Copy And Past Custom Contract Address

7. Finalize the addition of the AMP token to MetaMask.

desktop metamask add token final
Add AMP Token
desktop metamask add token final
Click Add Token Into Your Account

8. Since AMP is an Ethereum token, send your AMP to the same address you originally sent your ETH to add your AMP to MetaMask.

desktop metamask wallet address with AMP
Send Your AMP To ETH Address

Mobile Version:

  1. Download MetaMask on your mobile device’s app store (Android and iOS supported).
mobile metamask download
Download MetaMask Mobile

2. Press “Get Started” and then “Create a new wallet” if you’re creating a wallet for the first time. If you’ve already made a MetaMask account on desktop, you can just select “Sync with MetaMask extension” and ignore the rest of the following steps.

mobile metamask get started
Press “Get Started” To Create New Wallet

3. After creating your wallet, either press the shortened address under your account name or press the “Receive” button to get your wallet address.

mobile metamask address
Press “Receive” Button To View Wallet Address

4. Send $50-100 ETH to the provided address.

mobile metamask receive address
Send $50-100 ETH To Provided Address

5. Back in the main screen, press “Add Tokens”, click on the “Custom Token” tab and add “0xfF20817765cB7f73d4bde2e66e067E58D11095C2” to the Token Contract Address. The Token Symbol and Token Decimal fields should fill in automatically.

mobile metamask add tokens
Click Add Token
mobile metamask custom token
Copy And Past Custom Contract Address

6. After adding the token, AMP will now be displayed on your main screen.

mobile metamask amp displayed
AMP Will Now Be Displayed On Main Screen

7. Since AMP is an Ethereum token, send your AMP to the same address you originally sent your ETH to add your AMP to MetaMask. You can verify this by pressing on your AMP account and pressing “Receive”. Note that it is the same address you originally used earlier.

Staking Your AMP

Now that you have your AMP on MetaMask, you can now move on to actually staking it to earn interest. To do this, we use the Flexa Capacity service.

Desktop Version:

  1. Go to and choose to connect your MetaMask wallet.
desktop flexa connect
Choose To Connect Your MetaMask Wallet
desktop flexa connecting
Find Your Wallet And Connect
desktop flexa connectin 2
Give Access To Website On MetaMask

2. Once it’s connected, your MetaMask address will show up at the top right of the website. Click it to open up a drop down menu and confirm that it shows your AMP. Mouse over the dollar amount your AMP is worth and the “Stake” button will appear. Click “Stake”.

desktop flexa stake
Click “Stake”

3. You will be given multiple options of where to stake your AMP. Choose whichever service you’re comfortable with or choose whichever gives the highest interest per year. It’s your choice. Move the slider to change the amount of your AMP that you want to stake. We recommend staking everything.

desktop flexa stake choices
Pick Network You Want To Stake On

4. Click “Continue” and your MetaMask app will automatically open up. Confirm the staking process.

desktop flexa confirm staking
Confirm Staking Process

5. After confirmation, you’re all done!

Mobile Version:

  1. Open the hamburger menu at the top left of the app. Select “Browser”.
mobile metamask browser
Select “Browser”

2. Go to and choose to connect your MetaMask wallet.

mobile flexa connect wallet
Connect Your MetaMask Wallet

3. Once it’s connected, your MetaMask address will show up at the top right of the website. Press it to open up a drop down menu and confirm that it shows your AMP. Press on the dollar amount your AMP is worth and the “Stake” button will appear. Sometimes it doesn’t work and you need to close and open the drop down menu again and retry. Click “Stake”.

mobile flexa stake
Click “Stake”

4. You will be given multiple options of where to stake your AMP. Choose whichever service you’re comfortable with or choose whichever gives the highest interest per year. It’s your choice. Move the slider to change the amount of your AMP that you want to stake. We recommend staking everything.

mobile flexa stake choices
Pick Network You Want To Stake On

5. Click “Continue” and your MetaMask app will automatically open up. Confirm the staking process.

mobile flexa confirm staking
Confirm Staking Process

6. After confirmation, you’re all done!

Syncing MetaMask With Your Hardware Wallet (Desktop Only)

For added security, you can sync your wallet to your hardware wallet. Ledger and Trezor are both supported. You can only sync on desktop.

  1. Click your account icon at the top right. Click “Connect Hardware Wallet”. Select Ledger or Trezor depending on what you have and click “Continue”.
metamask hardware wallet
“Connect Hardware Wallet”

2. Follow the onscreen instructions for your hardware wallet. If you’re using a Ledger Nano X, disable bluetooth or it will have issues communicating with your browser.

3. After syncing, you will have a new account with all your Ethereum tokens listed. 

Final Thoughts

Staking AMP is relatively simple. MetaMask is a great app to have if you own a lot of Ethereum tokens such as AMP. Many of these Ethereum tokens can be staked while using MetaMask. We recommend doing everything on desktop if possible because it is easier performing all the tasks required as well as the ability to sync with a hardware wallet.

Earn AMP Staking Rewards with AMP StakingStaking AMP on Flexa is the best way to stake AMP. Visit Crypto Staking Rewards to learn how to stake crypto, earn staking rewards, cryptocurrency staking benefits, and where to find the best staking rewards.

AMP Staking - Amp
Article Name
AMP Staking - Amp
AMP Staking (Amp) - Learn how to earn Amp staking rewards by staking Amp. Staking AMP on Flexa requires you to use MetaMask.
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How To Stake Crypto