Fetch Staking – Fetch Ai

How to Stake Fetch.ai (FET)

Do you want to earn Fetch Staking Rewards for Fetch Ai? If you’re planning on holding your FET for a while, do yourself a favor and stake it to earn more FET and possibly earn much more money in the future.

Fetch Ai FET Staking Rewards
Fetch Ai FET Staking

Earn Fetch Staking Rewards

Unfortunately, Fetch.ai is currently one of the more complicated cryptocurrencies to stake due to their recent changes. Fetch.ai currently exists in 2 forms – the ERC20 version and the native coin version. Most exchanges, with the exception of Binance and HitBTC, currently hold the ERC20 version and must make the journey of Exchange -> MetaMask -> Fetch.ai Token Bridge -> Cosmostation. We will guide you through this journey to make it as simple as possible.

If you have the native coin version of Fetch.ai, you can skip directly to the Cosmostation section

If you’re unsure which version of Fetch.ai you have, if your current FET address starts with “0x”, you have the ERC20 version. If your current FET address starts with “fetch”, you have the native coin version.

There is a 100 FET minimum to convert your ERC20 FET into the native coin version.


  1. Have about $50-100 worth of ETH available to send to pay for possible future fees. You shouldn’t need all of this amount but it’s just to be safe.
  2. Get the MetaMask app for your computer.
  3. Get the Cosmostation app for your mobile device.

How to install MetaMask

  1. Go to https://metamask.io/download.html and download the extension for your chosen browser.
desktop metamask install
Download Extension For Your Chosen Browser

2. After installing the MetaMask, start it up if it didn’t do so automatically and click “Get Started”.

desktop metamask get started
Click “Get Started”

3. Click “Create a Wallet” and follow the prompt to create your wallet.

desktop metamask create a wallet
Click “Create a Wallet”

4. After creating your account, you will see an entry for ETH already on your account. To send the $50-100 ETH to your MetaMask wallet, hover over your account name so that it says “Copy to clipboard” and click so that it copies your wallet address. Use this somewhere else to see your full address if you need to type it in manually or paste it directly onto the website/app you are sending ETH from.

metamask desktop with Eth address
Add Token Into Your Account

5. Now that you have some ETH on your account, click “Import tokens” at the bottom of the page.

desktop metamask import tokens
Contact MetaMask For Import Token Help

6. Search for Fetch.ai and then import it. It will now appear on your Assets list.

Metamask import fetch ai
Search For Fetch.ai And Then Import It

7. Since FET is an Ethereum token, send your FET to the same address you originally sent your ETH to add your FET to MetaMask.

8. After you’ve received your FET on MetaMask, you’re now ready to convert it into the native coin and send it to Cosmostation.

Fetch.ai Token Bridge

With your ERC20 FET on MetaMask, we will now use the Fetch.ai Token Bridge to convert it to the native coin and send it to Cosmostation.

  1. Go to the Fetch.ai Token Bridge at https://token-bridge.fetch.ai/

2. The website will ask you to unlock your MetaMask account. Go ahead and do so.

token bridge unlock
Unlock Your MetaMask Account

3. The Token Bridge will now be able to be used. Keep it open as you will use it to send your FET to Cosmostation.

token bridge
Use To Send Your FET To Cosmostation


Cosmostation is the method the Fetch.ai developers recommend to stake your FET. Staking on Cosmostation currently provides about 20% interest per year on your FET.

  1. Download Cosmostation on your mobile device’s app store (iOS and Android supported).
cosmostation app
Download Cosmostation Mobile

2. Create a new wallet and choose the Fetch.ai Mainnet in the following screen.

cosmostation create
Create New Wallet And Choose “Fetch.ai Mainnet”

3. After your wallet is created, press on your address at the top to be able to copy the address.

fet address
Copy Your Wallet Address

4. Native coin users – Send your FET to the provided address and proceed to step 6. ERC20 FET users – Copy this address and proceed to step 5.

fet address 2
Send Your FET To Provided Address

5. Back at the Fetch.ai Token Bridge, paste your Cosmostation FET address into the “Native Address” field. Afterwards, enter in the amount of FET you wish to transfer to Cosmostation. There is a 100 FET minimum to transfer. Confirm the transaction through MetaMask. It is normal for the transaction to take a while, do not panic if you do not see your FET on Cosmostation for a few minutes.

token bridge transfer
Use To Send Your FET To Cosmostation

6. After receiving your FET, back on the main screen, press “Delegate”.

fet delegate
Press “Delegate”

7. Go to the “Top” tab to see the top validators to stake with.

cosmostation validators
View List Of Top Validators To Stake With

8 After deciding on a validator to stake with, click the “Delegate” button.

cosmostation delegate validator
Press The “Delegate” Button

9. Choose an amount to stake.

cosmostation stake amount
Enter How Much ATOM You Wish To Stake

10. Continue until you get to the transaction fee page. Since the transaction will be free, you can choose the highest option without worry.

cosmostation fee
Decide which Speed You Want For transaction

11. Confirm the delegation in the next page.

cosmostation confirm
Press Next And Confirm Transaction

12.You’re all done! The journey is now complete and your FET is now staking. 

Final Thoughts

For most people, staking Fetch.ai will have been a long and possibly confusing journey and we hope we’ve helped make it simple. The reward for this difficulty is about 20% interest per year on your FET.

Earn Fetch Staking Rewards when you stake Fetch Ai  on Cosmostation with Metamask. Visit Crypto Staking Rewards to learn how to stake crypto, earn staking rewardscryptocurrency staking benefits, and where to find the best staking rewards.

Fetch Staking - Fetch Ai
Article Name
Fetch Staking - Fetch Ai
Fetch Staking (Fetch Ai) - Learn how to earn Fetch Staking rewards with Fetch ai staking. Stake Fetch Ai  on Cosmostation with Metamask.
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How To Stake Crypto